At Skirball Hospice, you and your family work with the hospice physician and an interdisciplinary team of professionals and volunteers to create a highly individualized plan of care to control your pain, manage your symptoms, and meet your comfort care goals.
Hospice Physician
The hospice physician directs care and consults with you, your family and personal physician to ensure the plan of care is being met.
Direct nursing services include assessment, education regarding medication administration for symptom management, evaluation of disease processes, supportive care and providing other treatments as ordered by the hospice physician.
Certified Home Health Aide
A certified home health aide provides you with personal care, including assistance with showering or bathing, skin care, grooming, and personal hygiene needs.
Social Worker
A social worker provides you and your family with counseling and emotional support, as well as assistance with advance directives, living wills, Physician’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST), coordination of community resources, and funeral pre-arrangements.
Spiritual Counselor
A rabbi or chaplain offers spiritual guidance and support for you and your family.
Trained volunteers provide patients with comfort, support and socialization. They help patients engage in their hobbies and interests, share a special skill or talent and provide brief respite for caregivers.
Bereavement Counselor
A trained professional and specialist provides grief support for hospice families and coordinates grief support resources as needed.
Registered Dietitian
If warranted by the patient’s clinical condition, an RD assesses the nutritional needs of the patient and provides education and information.
If warranted by the patient’s clinical condition, physical, occupational, and speech therapists are available to enhance quality of life.